Monday 1 January 2018

Resolutions - Not!

So as we enter 2018, and with my social media feeds constantly updating with friends New Year resolutions, one of which made me chuckle to read; I'm opening a new business called 'Resolutions' for the first two weeks of the year it'll contain fitness equipment, thereafter it will be a wine bar! I've decided to make an aim.

After a brisk walk with Bella around Aspenden one of our local villages, I came to the conclusion that my aim this year is to get my children (ages 9 & 12) and wife (no ages to be mentioned here) to the top of something significant - preferably Snowdon or Scafell. I believe this is more achievable than a resolution!

If you're ever in the area, the Church in Aspenden and surrounding countryside walks are fantastic. Don't forget to visit the village pub, The Fox - a charming old pub with lots of history that serves great beer and food.

Aspenden Church

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